The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel within General Relativity
author: Michael Alcubierre,(1994)
Photon Propagation in a Stationary Warp Drive Space-Time
author:Claes R. Cramer,(1998)
A Superluminal Subway: the Krasnikov Tube
authors: Allen E. Everett and Thomas A. Roman,(1997)
Quantum Field Theory Constrains Traversable Wormhole Geometries
authors: L. H. Ford and Thomas A. Roman,(1996)
Restrictions on Negative Energy Density in Flat Spacetime
authors: L. H. Ford and Thomas A. Roman,(1997)
Quantum effects in the Alcubierre warp drive spacetime
author: William A. Hiscock,(1997)
Hyperfast Travel in General Relativity
author: S. V. Krasnikov,(1998)
Superluminal Travel Requires Negative Energies
author: Ken D. Olum,(1998)
On the Possibility of a Propulsion Drive Creation Through a Local
Manipulation of Spacetime Geometry
author: Vesselin Petkov,(1998)
The Unphysical Nature of ``Warp Drive''
authors: Michael J. Pfenning and L. H. Ford,(1997)
Superluminal Censorship
authors: Matt Visser and Bruce Bassett and Stefano Liberati,(1998)
Possibility of Control of the Gravitational Mass by Means of Extra-Low
Frequency Radiation
author: Fran De Aquino,(2000)
Prompt and Delayed Radio Bangs at KiloHertz by SN 1987A: A Test for
Graviton-Photon Conversion
author: Daniele Fargion,(1995)
Observable effects from spacetime tunneling
author: Pedro F. Gonza´lez-Di´az,(1997)
Scalar fields, energy conditions, and traversable wormholes
authors: Carlos Barcelo, Matt Visser,(2000)
On a General Class of Wormhole Geometries
authors: A. DeBenedictis, A. Das,(2000)
Inertial mass and the quantum vacuum fields
authors: Bernard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda, York Dobyns,(2000)
Possible quantum gravity effects in a charged Bose condensate under
variable e.m. field
authors: G. Modanese, J. Schnurer,(1998-revised)
Conditions for Stimulated Emission in Anomalous Gravity-Superconductor interactions.
author: Giovanni Modanese and Timo Junker,(2008)