Thirring Institute Research Library
This is the full current listing of textbooks and other physics related items in the Thirring Library.
Due to copyright issues, we are not able to directly grant direct access to these books.
Please contact us if you have any questions related to access or information about these books
A course in pure mathematics |
An Introduction to the theory of numbers |
_Bailey_D.H.-Mathematics_by_experiment___Plausible_reasoning_in_the_21st_century.pd |
A guided tour of mathematical physics |
Experimental Mathematics in Action |
Experimental Mathematics |
Many Skies- alternative skies |
Mastering Mathematica |
Introducing Einsteins Relativity |
A New Kind of Science - Stephan Wolfram |
The Early Universe -Facts and Fiction |
The Computer as Crucible |
Differential Equations with historical notes by George f Simmons |
Gravitation Foundations and Frontiers |
The shape of Inner Space |
Prime Obsession |
Riemanns Zeta Function |
An Introduction to the theory of the Riemann Zeta |
The Zeta function of Riemann |
String Theory for Dummies |
Chaos- Making of a New Science |
Introduction to Electrodynamics David J Griffiths |
Love and Math |
Frolov Black Hole Physics Basic Concepts and New Developments |
James Clerk Maxwell- A Treatise On Electricity and Magnetism Volume 1 |
James Clerk Maxwell - A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism Volume 2 |
Quantum Field Theory Demystified |
Quantum Mechanics- The Theoretical Minimum |
Quantum Physics for Dummies |
Quantum Physics workbook for dummies |
The Mathematical Theory of Cosmic Strings |
The Nature of Space and Time |
The Theoretical Minimum- What you need to know to start doing physics |
Joseph Lagrange-Analytical Mechanics |
Maxwell on the Electromagnetic Field |
A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure Mathematics |
Black Holes and Time Warps- Einstein-s Outrageous Legacy |
Classical and Quantum Black Holes |
Differential Equations with Mathematica |
Differential Forms- a Complement to Vector Calculus |
Foundations Of Differential Calculus |
Getting Started with Matlab |
Handbook Of Integral Equations - A. Polyanin |
Internal structure of black holes and spacetime singularities |
James Stewart - Calculus |
Leonhard-Euler-Introduction-to-Analysis-of-the-Infinite-Book-I |
Machs principle and the origin of inertia |
Making_Starships_and_Stargates |
Mathematica in Action 3rd edition |
Cracking the Einstein code_relativity and the birth of black hole physics- story of the Kerr metric |
Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers |
Relativity The Special and General Theory |
The Galactic Black Hole Lectures on General Relativity and Astrophysics |
The-Noether-theorems-ebook |
Time_Travel_and_Warp_Drives |
Visual Mathematics Illustrated by the TI-92 and TI-89 |
invariant variation problems-original Noether paper translated |
physics-of-the-impossible-by-michael-kaku1 |
Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite-Euler Book II |
Fermats Last Theorem |
The Science of Interstellar |
The Simpsons and their mathematical secrets |
13 books of euclids elements |
Functions of Matricies-Theory and Computation |
Getting started with Matlab 7 guide |
Getting started with Matlab 7 |
Mathematica in action supplemental materials |
String theory demistified |
Introduction to quantum effects in gravity |
Online statistics Education |
Supersymmetry demistified |
The QuantumWorld |
The Math Book |
The Mathematica book - version 1 |
Circute Analysis for Dummies |
Introductory Circuit Analysis |
An Interpretive Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. |
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications vol2 |
Carl Friedrich Gauss - Disquisitiones Arithmeticae |
Course-d-Analyse- Cauchy |
Differential equations and linear algebra - Goode Stephen W. |
Differential equations for engineers |
Einstein’s Unified Field Theory Program |
Emmy Noether's wondeful theorem |
Extra Dimension in Space and Time |
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications vol1 |
Foundations of Quantum Gravity |
From Eternity to here slideshow |
Geometry of Einsteins Unified Field Theory |
Hartmut-Relativistic quantum mechanics |
Hawking and Israel - General Relatiity-An Einstein Centenary survey |
Investigation into Compactified dimensions- Casmir Energies and Phenomenological Aspects |
Isham - Lectures on quantum theory - Mathematical and structural foundation |
Mathematica for Theoretical Physics II Gerd Baumann.pdf |
Mathematica Guidebooks info |
Mathematica - a problem centred approach |
On the History of Unified Field Theories |
Polchinski_J._String_theory._Vol._1._An_introduction_to_the_bosonic_string |
Polchinski_J._String_theory._Vol._2._Superstring_theory_and_beyond |
Prime.Numbers.and.Computer.Methods.for.Factorization.Modern - Hans Riesel |
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur |
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics-Wave Equations-3rd edition |
String Theory and the Scientific Method |
Superstring theory Vols. II-M.B. Green-J.H. Schwarz and E. Witten |
Superstring theory vol I-M.B. Green-J.H. Schwarz E. Witten |
The method of fluxions and infinite series | |
Werner Israel and Stephen Hawking - Three Hundred Years of Gravitation |
abstract algebra-theory and applications |
course-d-Analyse-Camille Jordan |
from-eternity-to-here |
geometric algebra for physicists cover |
numerical analysis-9th edition -burden and faires |
source book of mathematics |
A question of time-the ultimate paradox.epub |
An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language |
Astrophysics 103 physics and astronomy textbooks |
Geometric algebra for physicists.djvu |
Our Mathematical Universe - Max Tegmark.epub |
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur |
The Higgs Boson - Search for - Scientific American |
Boundary Value Problems and Partial Differential Equations |
Five Dimensional Physics |
Space-Time-Matter |
Springer handbook of spacetime |
This Quantum World - replacement- one on disk 116 is bad |
Numerical Relativity - Solving Einsteins equations on the computer |
Mathematica for Physics - Second Edition |
Mathematica for Physics - Second Edition-notebook files for Mathematica 9 |
Cosmic Strings and Topolgical Defects |
The singular universe and the reality of time |
Matther and Interactions |
The Jazz of Physics |
Tensors-differential forms and Variational Principles |
Mathematical Physics |
Now - The physics of time |
Space Engine spaceflight school |
Space Engine spaceflight school pdf |
The Universe in Your Hand - A Journey Through Space- Time and Beyond |
Lee Smolin - Time Reborn_ From The Crisis Of Physics To The Future Of The Universe |
Quantum Relativity - The Synthesis of Einstein and Schroodinger |
Vector and tensor analysis |
Weapons of Math Destruction |
Gravitation and Spacetime 3rd edition |
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics |
Dubovski & Shutyaev - Methods for Solving Mathematical Physics Problems.PDF" |
Statistical Physics and Quantum Mechanics [C.pdf" |
The Story of Collapsing Stars Black Holes and Naked Singularities |
Void - The Strange Physics of Nothing |
Cosmological constant and vacuum energy old and new ideas |
Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists |
Hartle-Gravity.pdf |
Mathcad 13 Users Guide |
Mathematical Methods for Phycisists - 6th edition |
Quantum Field Theory in a nutshell |
Quantum Field Theory in curved spacetime |
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes |
Quantum field theory in curved spacetime and black hole thermodynamics |
Quantum fields in curved space |
Quantum fluctuations of spacetime |
Reality Is Not What It Seems_ The Journey to Quantum Gravityby Carlo Rovelli |
A. Zee - Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell |
Grant Fowles and George Cassiday - Analytical Mechaniccs 7th edition |
Grant Fowles and George Cassiday - Analytical Mechaniccs 7th edition-solutions manual |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics -2nd edition- by David J.Griffiths |
Introductory University Physics Course |
Algebra - Symplectic geometry prereq |
Lectures on Sympectic Geometry |
An Introduction to Symplectic Geometry-Rolf Berndt |
Undergraduate Analysis - Lang -Symplectic Geometry prereq |
Serge Linear Algebra-Symplectic geomtery prereq |
Mathematica 1 book |
New Foundations for Physical Geometry The Theory of Linear Structures |
ime travel and warp drives_ a scientific guide to shortcuts through the universe |
Hodge Theory for Combinatorial Geometries |
The Universe in a Nutshell - Stephen Hawking |
Wormholes warp drives and energy conditions |
Approaches to quantum gravity_ toward a new understanding of space- time and matter |
Canonical Quantum Gravity_ Fundamentals and Recent Developments |
Quantum Gravity Giving New Physics |
The structural foundations of quantum gravity |
Fluctuations- information- gravity and the quantum potential |
From Newton's bucket to quantum gravity |
From Quarks and Gluons to Quantum Gravity |
Introduction to Quantum Effects in Gravity |
Keeping It Real - Quantum Gravity 01 -Sci Fi on quantum gravity |
Lectures on Quantum Gravity-Springer-2005 |
New Paths Towards Quantum Gravity |
Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale_ Contemporary Theories in Quantum Gravity |
Proceedings towards Quantum Gravity |
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime_ Quantized Fields and Gravity. |
Quantum gravity_ from theory to experimental search- |
Quantum mechanics and gravity-Springer. |
Rodolfo Gambini- Jorge Pullin-A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity |
Series of Monographs on Quantum Gravity |
Stephen_W._Hawking-Black_Holes_and_Baby_Universes_and_Other_Essays |
Quantum theory of gravity _ essays in honor of the 60th birthday of Stephen Hawking |
The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology |
The Universe_ A View from Classical and Quantum Gravity. |
Trends in Quantum Gravity Research- |
The renaissance of general relativity - editorial introduction |
Exploratory research session on the quantization of the gravitational field. |
Robert Dicke and the naissance of experimental gravity physics |
Stellar structure and compact objects before 1940 Towards relativistic astrophysics |
The 1957 quantum gravity meeting in Copenhagen |
The binary pulsar and the quadrupole formula controversy |
Wired by Weber |
Report on the relativity theory of gravitation |
Stochastic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Spacetime |
The Ringed Planet |
coq art-interactive theorem proving and development program |
coq in ahurry |
eddington- space time and gravitation |
elementary_linear_algebra_10th_edition |
gravitys ghost and big dog |
gravitys kiss |
gravitys shadow |
A primer on scientific computing with python.pdf |
Alcubierre M. Introduction to 3 plus 1 Numerical Relativity.pdf |
Artificial Black Holes - Novello and Vissner.djvu |
Frolov V and Zelnikov A. Introduction to Black Hole Physics.djvu |
Linear Algebra Done Right.pdf |
Magnitude The Scale of the Universe.azw3 |
Matlab for Dummies.pdf |
Numerical Relativity.pdf |
programing with computations for matlab and octave.pdf |
Special_Relativity_and_Classical Field Theory-Leonard Susskind.pdf |
The Physical World-an inspirational tour.pdf |
gwpy - gravitational wave analysis with python |
The Nonlinear Schroodinger equation |
2015.13917.Mathematical-Methods-Of-Statistics |
A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry |
A History of Pi |
Affine Group Schemes |
Algebraic Geometry 1 |
Algebraic Geometry |
Algebraic Number Theory |
Analytical Institutions in Four Books |
Calmet Xavier - Quantum Aspects of Black Holes |
Combinatorics - N. Vilenkin |
Complex Multiplication |
Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering |
Fields and Galois Theory |
Hamilton- General Relativity Black Holes and Cosmology |
Henrici-ElementsOfNumericalAnalysis |
Hilbert Space Methods for Partial DIfferential Equations |
Holographic Quantum Matter |
Introduction to Vertex Algebras |
Introduction to the Calculus |
Lectures on the Calculus of Variations |
Lie Algebras-Algebraic Groups-and Lie Groups |
Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering |
Measure-Lebesgue-Integrals-and-Hilbert-Space |
Modular Functions and Modular Forms |
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica - P. Kythe |
Partial Differential Equations in Physics |
Peskin- Schroesder - An introduction To Quantum Field Theory |
Principles of Quantum Mechanics - Dirac |
Problem book in relativity and gravitation.djvu |
Proofs from the Book |
Roger Blanford and Kip Thorne-Modern Classical Physics-early edition |
Schutz B. Geometrical methods of mathematical physics.djvu |
Sean Carroll-Spacetime and Geometry_ An Introduction to General Relativity-Pearson Education Limi |
Shingareva I.- Lizarraga-Celaya C. Solving nonlinear partial differential equations with Maple and Mathematica |
Sneddon-Special Functions Of Mathematical Physics And Chemistry |
Sneddon-Special FunctionsOf Mathematical Physics And Chemistry |
Sobol-The-Monte-Carlo-Method-LML |
SpaceTimeMatterTheory-PaulWesson |
String theory and M theory |
The Lapalace Transform |
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli |
The Universe in a Nutshell-Hawking |
The Waters I am Entering No One yet Has Crossed Alexander Friedman and the Origins of Modern Cosmology |
The global approach to quantum field theory-Bryce Dewitt |
This Amazingly Symmetrical World |
Transition to higher mathematics-structure and proof |
gauge-fields-knots-and-gravity |
Schwinger et al Classical electrodynamics |
Schwinger- Classical Electrodynamics -second book |
Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time |
We Have No Idea- Whiteson |
What is Real - The Meaning of Quantum Physics |
The 2017 review of particle physics |
A History of Mathematical Notation elementary mathematics |
Abels Theorem in problems and solutions |
An Introduction to the Study of Integral Equations |
An-Introduction-to-Clifford-Algebras-and-Spinors |
An-introduction-to-manifolds |
Andrews-NumberTheory_text |
Berberian-IntroductionToHilbertSpace_text |
Carothers et al-Real Analysis |
Classical-Electrodynamics- |
Clifford Algebras and Spinors |
Clifford M. Will Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics 1993 |
Combinatorics - N. Vilenkin |
Curvature-in-Mathematics-and-Physics |
Detection of orbital motions near the last stable circular orbit aroun SagA |
Differential-topology |
Elementary Concepts of Topology |
Exact-Space-Times-in-Einstein-s-General-Relativity-Cambridge-Monographs-on-Mathematical-Physics- |
Forsyth-Calculus Of Variations |
Foundations of Optimal Control Theory |
Foundations of Space and Time_Reflections on Quantum Gravity |
Fourier-Series and Orthogonal Polynomials |
Geometric_Probability-Solomon |
Glimpses-of-Soliton-Theory-The-Algebra-and-Geometry-of-Nonlinear-Pdes |
Hille-MethodsInClassicalAndFunctionalAnalysis_text |
History-of-Vector-Analysis |
Introduction to Integral Equations |
Introduction to Non Euclidean Geometry |
Introduction-to-Smooth-Manifolds |
Introduction-to-Topological-Manifolds |
Lectures in Abstract Algebra |
Lectures on the Calculus of Variations |
Measures-Integrals-and-Martingales |
Naive-Lie-theory |
Needham.visual-complex-analysis |
On Gravity- A brief tour of a weighty subject.epub |
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica - P. Kythe |
Riemannian-geometry |
Schutz B. Geometrical methods of mathematical physics |
Sequential-Analysis |
Solitons-an-introduction |
Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory-Susskind.epub |
Sveshnikov-Tikhonov-The-Theory-Of-Functions-Of-a-Complex-Variable |
The History and Concept of Mathematical Proof |
The Princeton Companion to Mat - Gowers- Timothy_4662 |
The-Theory-Of-Functions |
category-theory-for-programmers |
entropy.and.PDE |
Einsteins Shadow |
Quantum Mechanics for Engineers |
Partial Differential Equations in Engineering |
A Big Bang in a Little Room |
A-Treatise-on-the-Theory-of-Bessel-Functions |
A-course-of-pure-mathematics |
AhlforsL.V.ComplexAnalysis3rdEd.Mcgraw-hill1979_text |
Algebraic Geometry - R. Hartshorne |
Analysis-manifolds-and-physics-Part-II |
Analysis-manifolds-and-physics |
Applied Combinatorics-6th edition-by Alan Tucker |
Category Theory for the Sciences |
Differential Equations - George Boole |
Differential Equations Linear Theory and Applications |
Discovering_Geometry_An_Investigative_Approach_by_Michael_Serra |
Divergent Series - Hardy |
Dynamical Systems_text |
Elements of Mathematica - Algebra Part I |
Elements of The Differential and Integral Calculus |
Foundations of the Theory of Probability |
Gravitation-and-cosmology-principles-and-applications-of-GR |
Introduction to the Foundations of Mathematics |
Losing the Nobel Prize by Brian Keating.epub |
Ore-Number Theory-Its History |
Q is for Quantum- Terry Rudolph |
Quantum-Theory David Bohm |
Quantum-mechanics-An-introduction |
Roberts-Elementary Number Theory- A problem centered approach |
The Approximation of Functions_text |
The Fractional Calculus_ Theory and Applications of Differentiation and Integration to Arbitrary |
The Mathematical Theory of Communications |
Partial Differential Equations-Leon van Dommelen |
The Greatest Story Ever Told |